Equip Server Mariel

Equip + Weapon Hunt

  • Paketan Tempur    (cocok buat hunt lawan piya / beanie di lembah travia)
- HTBS Jikael .XG+12 Hp 20, Def 60   
- Tipa Dagger .XG+12 (Gelap)  Atk 5, Mpw 25Aspd 6, Acc 4, Crit 8    
- Wooden Wing .XG+12 Def 2, Mpw 5, Hp 4Aspd 2, Acc 1, Eva -1, Kec Gerak 2  
- FD GM   
Price:  All = 550k (no Pisah)    Sold to boss kita  Omgaul   (thx to boss)

  • All Job
- HTBS Jikael .XG+12 Hp 20 Def 40 = 100k
- HTBS Anas XG+12 Hp 20 = 50k    Sold to boss kita  Anggie201   (thx to boss)

  • Clown | Assasin | Trickster
- Tipa Dagger .XG+12 Mpw 25 = 50k  Sold to boss kita  Omgaul   (thx to boss)
- Tipa Dagger .XG+12 Crit 10 .dll no minus = 140k    Sold out...!!   (thx to buyer)
- Set Quickness .XG+12 & Hunting Knife .XG+12 = 50k    Sold out...!!   (thx to buyer)
- JFB (Gelap).XG+12 Mpw 20, Atk 5, Hp 4, Acc 4 = 20k
- Fire Stick .G+0 = 10k 
- Dual Catas +0 = 20k
- Dual Catas .XG+9 = 30k
- Dual Catas .XG+12 Atk 20 = 35k
- Sea Decorated +0 = 100k
- Ultra Kettle +12 = 30k

  • Cleric | Prophet | Priest
- Priest Fire Ball .XG+12 Mpw 25 = 30k

  • Khight | Destroyer | Paladin
- Set Holy Knight Hp 20 + Sword Atk 25 & Shield Def 25 (All .XG+12) = 150k    Sold to boss kita  Kidknight   (thx to boss)

  • Warrior | Barbarian | BladeMaster
  • Craftsman | Bomber | Smith
  • Hunter | Gunner | Archer

Acc Hunt / Gaya

- DWW .XG+12 opt GM  = 200k   Sold to boss kita  Ritciee   (thx to boss)
- DWW .XG+12 Aspd 6 = 25k
WW .XG+12 Def 10 = 10k
- SCN .XG+12 Atk 2Hp 2 = 40k
- Snorkle .XG+12 opt Mpw 4 = 40k
- SEG .XG+12 Def 2Kec. Gerak 2Hp 2 = 20k
- Yellow Ribbon .XG+12 Atk 2Hp 2   Sold to boss kita  Narumii   (thx to boss)
- Angel Bag +0 = 40k    Sold to boss kita  Narumii   (thx to boss)
- Devil Bag +8 = 40k
- Devil Bag .G+0 = 40k
- Thunder God's Drum .XG+12 Atk 4, Mpw 1 = 35k
- Wings of Nariel +12 = 50k
- Wings of Nariel +0 = 30k
- Snorkle .DG+0 = 15k
- Grace of Tiphareth +12 = 30k
- Glases +12 = 25k
- Baby Pacifier (dot) +12 = 15k
- Baby Pacifier (dot) +0 = 10k
-Wings Of Birdwife .XG+0 =20k
- OxyTank +8 = 20k   Sold to boss kita  Shin   (thx to boss)
- Pagan Wing XG+12 Hp 5   Sold to boss kita  Muhamad Adit   (thx to boss)

Equip - Kostum + Weapon Gaya

- Set Halloween +12 & Yellow Mariel +12 = 100k   Sold out...!!   (thx to buyer)
- Set Pink Maid +0    Sold to boss kita  Kimimaro   (thx to boss)
- TBS Elim +12, Rambut +12 & Kipas Japan +12 = 100k
- Set Ghost Costume .G+0 = 20k
- Set Ghostbuster +0 = 35k
- Set Birthday Costume Hijau = 20k
- Silver Light Spear XG+9 & Ant's Silver Shield XG+9 = 200K   Sold to boss kita  Ferdy   (thx to boss)
- Guitar +12 = 20k
- Green BGM +9 =10k
- TBS Sonata +12 & Gypsy Hat +12 = 40k

- Slot Ice Crystal (Stock Banyak) @10k /Slot

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